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Wallows "Model World Tour" Makes Its Second Stop In Vancouver

On August 8th, at Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre, Wallows kicked off their second show of the Model World Tour in Vancouver Canada. As a new album was released under the same name “Model” earlier this year, the tour consisted of new and old songs.

Photo of Wallows by Lichia Lo
Wallows by Lichia Lo

As the lights went down for the opening act, Benee danced her way onto the stage to begin her song “Kool” and the crowd started dancing and singing along. Benee, a singer-songwriter from New Zealand, is known for her alt-pop songs and popularity on social media.

Photo of Benee by Lichia Lo
Benee by Lichia Lo

As she continues to sing her well-known songs like “Glitter” and “Beach Boy”, she gets the crowd excited for Wallows as she sings “Green Honda” with the crowd and her jumping up and down singing to the catchy lyrics. To close off her amazing set, she ended off with “Supalonely”, and as the crowd sang along to the all-so-catchy song, her set concluded. 

As soon as Benee finished her set and went off stage, a big stage curtain was put in front so you couldn't see what was going on but the curtain had the Wallows logo on it and once the audience knew that the show was going to happen soon, they started cheering in excitement.

As 8:40 arrived, the lights went dark as the band started playing “Do Not Wait”. Only seeing the shadows of the band, the crowd would go wild whenever the camera panned to a different band member, and right then, I knew that it was going to be an unforgettable night.

Once the curtain dropped and the song off their new album “Your Apartment” started playing, the crowd sang along with their voices echoing throughout the stadium. After a few songs, they announced that they were going to sing the live debut of their song “Canada” in Canada. As it was Wallows' first time playing this song live off their new album “Model”, the crowd roared in excitement as the song began. 

Photo of Wallows by Lichia Lo
Wallows by Lichia Lo

More than halfway through the show, they made their way through the crowd as they headed towards the B-stage where they sang more acoustic and slower songs as it looked and felt like we were in their living room (stage set up).

And as the show was coming to an end, they ended off with “Are You Bored Yet” and “Only Ecstasy” and the crowd rose in applause once the final song came to an end.

Throughout the show, it was clear that the band was incredible, and as the music echoed in the stadium, it was undeniable that the stage presence of Wallows was unforgettable. You don’t want to miss out on seeing them live!

All above photos of Wallows and Benee were taken by Lichia Lo.

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Wallows is Dylan Minnette (vocals/guitar), Braeden Lemasters (vocals/guitar), and Cole Preston (drums/guitar).

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