by Jennifer Mullins
On Tuesday, May 14th, 2024, self-proclaimed trash-rock band FELICITY released their lates single titled "Lovesick Blues." The band is a 5-piece out of Orlanda, FL with Drew Rapier and Cory Comly on guitar, Damien Fagiolino on vocals, Mike Alosa on bass, and Rashid Williams on drums. Formed in 2014, the band has evolved over the years to become what they are today, and as Drew states, they "...just want to be a rock band that you can show our songs to your mom or show our songs to your kids and it’s not ever too heavy or too out there."
"Lovesick Blues" is a song that was inspired by the general idea of being heartbroken because everyone can relate to it. The song starts off with a catchy reverb guitar sound that morphs into an intro with a melodic keyboard and drum accompaniment. Referencing popular songs from the last couple of decades, including band Twenty One Pilots, Blink-182, and Third Eye Blind, the listener is sucked into a scenario where a heartbroken individual is going through vinyl records an ex left behind. The song is “more about creating a story where a man-or maybe it’s a woman-physically looking at the vinyl records that their ex has left at their house and every song kinda reminds you of them.” When asked what their breakup songs would be, Drew and Cory stated, "December" by Neck Deep (Drew), "Johnny Cash" by Wage War (Cory), "Til Summer Comes Around" by Keith Urban (Cory), and "pretty much anything Taylor Swift" (Drew).

Clocking in at 2 minutes and 41 seconds, this short, catchy song was written with purpose and intentionality. The lyrics paint the picture of heartbreak, but the underlying melody and catchy chorus make the song come together brilliantly. While the band used to focus on guitar riffs and solos, their evolution of song writing has changed to focus on three things: lyrics that are singable, easily remembered words, and song structures. Complicated songs have their time and place, but FELICITY is moving towards where the industry is going where songs "don’t have bridges, or solos or anything. It’s all just hit ‘em with that verse, get the chorus, verse again. Hit ‘em with two more chorus’s and you’re done." This move is evident with their latest single, especially when it comes to lyrics that are singable and easy to remember!

Anyone who follows FELICITY's social media accounts knows how active the bands are on there. From their calls with Charlie Sheen, to singing "Lovesick Blues" in stores, and to other shenanigans, the band likes to have fun. TikTok is Drew's favorite and what he thinks they do best, while Cory is a fan of Twitter. If you haven't checked out their socials, you are seriously missing out on some serious fun! When asked about how they started their adventure of singing their songs in stores, Cory stated that it started as a bit where they would have people come up to them and have them write a love song, but the lyrics they would write would be the same for everyone. This somehow morphed into them playing the song without anyone asking or wanting it. While they have been kicked out of several stores (and banned!), other responses have been indifference or applause. I thought this might be why they posted about getting sued, but alas, this is not what it's about. You'll have to go check out the video to find out the truth behind this.

Fresh off their tour with Between You & Me, FELICITY already has plans for some upcoming shows, including So What?! Music Fest in Texas and a one-off show in Chicago. This will be the first time "Lovesick Blues" will be played live, and the band is excited for it. They might be excited to play So What?!, but they're also excited to meet up and see some their own favorite bands! Saosin, Arrows in Action, The Funeral Portrait, and TX2 are some they mentioned, as several of these bands are peers that they've seen grow on TikTok, like FELICITY has. Be ready for the band to bring that big band energy, as Drews states, they'll be "ready to go and ready to rock for sure" after their long drive to Dallas from Orlando.
In addition to the few shows the band has mentioned, they also plan on releasing a new song every six weeks. They've been working hard since 2021 to record a variety of songs and are excited to release them to the fans. In addition to their social media, you can learn about their releases and other fun stuff by joining their Discord server (link can be found in their social media profiles). This is where fans really get to know the band-Drew in particular-because they interact with fans without the pressure of having to act a certain way for each social media type. It's more laid back and conversational versus the promotion they use on socials.
Want to hear more about FELICITY? Check out the full interview on our YouTube channel!