Laura Pieri made the big move from Brazil to New York City to continue her education and pursue a career in music–a risky move for someone who was just 16. She released her first single in 2019, titled “What You Gonna Do,” and confirmed her aspirations to become a pop star one day. For the next 5 years, Laura would release 2000s-inspired pop anthems filled with catchy beats, powerful messages, and tributes to her Brazilian origin. On May 30th, 2024, Laura released her first EP and I had the exciting opportunity to give it a listen.
“Frankie” is a 4-track EP inspired by Laura’s own experience navigating the male-dominated industries of music and academia. From start to end, Laura tells the story about how she has to constantly fight against the patriarchy, rediscover her voice, and reclaim her power. In addition to Laura, the EP was created with an all-female team of songwriters and executively produced by Skyler Cocco.
Presumably inspired by Laura’s own experiences, the EP follows a woman named Frankie as she tries to pursue her goals in a world that wasn’t made for her. “Inspired by stories like Frankenstein, Suspiria, and Persephone, the characters in the Frankie story represent not only the ability of women to adapt and camouflage according to the circumstances of the moment but also the sensation of imprisonment of having the need to have a myriad of versions in order to do so,” Laura explains. Throughout the EP, Frankie’s journey morphs from disillusionment, anger, and, eventually, acceptance.
The EP opens with “Sea Of Tragedy,” a catchy and powerful narrative filled with allegories to fairytales and dreamlands. Laura is an amazing songwriter and that’s evident in her lyricism alone. Next is “Daughter Of Demeter,” a track that was previously released as a single. (For anyone unaware, Demeter is the Greek Goddess of harvest, sacred law, and the cycle of life and death). Immediately, I can feel Laura’s anger presenting through the track. Her vocals and lyricism are strong and shine through more than anything.
“Come Clean” tackles the confusing feelings of finding yourself, as well as the satisfaction and empowerment you receive once you figure it out. “Goddess Energy” closes the EP with conviction and is about loving yourself entirely. My favorite part of the song is the second verse, where we hear that Frankie feels confident in herself again. She loves her natural curls, every crevice, and every curve, and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of her.
Despite the upbeat, pop vibe the EP has, I’d love to hear Laura perform these songs acoustically, ideally with folk instruments. Her songwriting is beautiful and whimsical and “Frankie” tells a story that every woman has experienced firsthand and I applaud Laura for using her art to push for equality in the music industry.
“Frankie” is out now on streaming services. Listen here.